Okay I was kidding...mostly. I'm not sure what I am going to do about my naughty naughty cats. Picture this, you're lying in bed next to your almost asleep baby, it's quiet, the neighbor across the street hasn't taken his 'muscle' car out of his garage and revved it down the street (I really dislike that man), and all is well in the house. THEN your stupid, attention seeking, cat decides to HOWL outside the bedroom door and put his paws under it and rattles the door making a "HOWL BANG BANG RATTLE HOWL" noise that completely startles you and the baby. I was ready to kill him. I'm trying some new techniques to get my daughter to sleep through the night longer and better, and they are working by the way, but that stupid cat (Figaro) insists on getting his attention as soon as I shut the door to the bedroom. My husband was sitting on the couch perfectly willing to do some cat cuddling, but no, the cat has to be where I am. It's somewhat nice to know that the cat does actually love me, because cats are generally less showy in their affections. However, I would like the cat to discover another time to be attention seeking and another method of getting it. Any ideas? Any at all? Because I've just had it.
The other cat, Cyrano, doesn't seek out attention that way. He just acts out in small, almost un-noticeable ways. I say almost because you will eventually figure out WHY one particular box smells a bit "funny." He pees in any laundry basket, any suitcase that still has some clothes in it, even a bin filled with hats, gloves, and scarves. Not sure what to do about him either. I am seriously ready to just put them both outside and let them become indoor/outdoor cats and maybe get eaten by coyotes.
And then I feel horribly guilty for saying or even thinking that. They were my first 'babies' after all. Figaro is a Manx mix. A 16 1/2 pound tailless monster who started out life with me as a 4 week old kitten the size of my hand. Cyrano is a Norwegian Forest cat mix. A large, 15 pound ball of fluff that reminds me of a fuzzy slinky. I didn't know that there were breeds of cats that got this large. Silly me. Should have figured that since there were large breed dogs there just might be large breed cats. Well, there are, if you didn't know. Cyrano, the forest cat mix, is actually on the small side and is a little skinny for his 3 foot long self. Norwegian Forest cats can be as large as 25 lbs. Figaro is a little chubby, but not as much as he used to be and not nearly enough for the vet to be concerned. He is at the moment curled up between my legs perfectly content to get some cuddle time. Hopefully, he'll cuddle now and leave me alone to nurse my daughter and get her to sleep tonight!
Let me know what we can do to make sure Apollo and Icarus don't drive you crazy during your visit ;-)