My poor poor baby! She had her 'well child checkup' for one year today. =( Lots of shots!! She's doing really well with them. Napping and a little clingy, but...who can blame her?! 5 total, although we COULD have done 4 today and then 2 at 18 months. I decided that since we are moving and we don't, yet, have a new pediatrician in Colorado Springs that I'd get all the ones we needed to get done done. The other 18 month shot isn't an 'urgent' one; if we don't start it RIGHT then she will be just fine. I imagine that we'll be able to get it done; I mean she's going to be 18 months in November so that's PLENTY of time to get a new pediatrician.
That's one of the things I hate about moving. Switching doctors, getting medical records is annoying. Especially when you really like the doctors you are already with. I really am not looking forward to finding a new OBGYN. I LOVE my Doctor. She delivered my daughter, she's competent and funny....sigh...oh well!!
I think I need to take a moment and remind myself of the wonderful things about moving:
Meet new people.
New place, new apartment (WHOOHOO!!!)
Closer to family
Easier to get to family that is farther away
Better economy where we're going
A chance to really clean out all the crap that we accumulate
A chance to get new playmates for my daughter
A chance to go back to college and finish Grad School
Making additions to our family
Making additions to our family of friends
Ah, okay, feel better...
There are so many wonderful things about the move that really outshine the negatives. Now my friends will be happy that I will be coming back to Colorado more often (they just don't know it will be in the Springs, haha). I need to make sure when I come out and visit I spend a couple of days with Sean's parents at the beginning of the trip. Something like two days with them to see Denver friends then head down to the Springs. I think it could work out nicely :)
ReplyDeleteThat would be nice. =) Sounds like a good way to see people, and then come spend some time with us! hoorah!
ReplyDeleteExactly. ((HUGS)) Oh I miss you guys so much! We went to Disneyland this week with Rusty and all I could think about was happy birthday memories, especially with our birthdays so close around the corner!