Wednesday, June 9, 2010


What a lovely topic, I know, but it is one we have just recently experienced with our daughter. We just recently spent an entire day moving, and so driving, to our new summer location before we move to our more permanent location. Between spending 7-8 hours sitting in a car and eating many solids like cheerios, gold fish, milk, cheese, and some of mommy's (my) sandwich our daughter got a little constipated....the poor baby!! It was an awful experience to see my daughter straining and straining (and screaming and SCREAMING) to get out a very large, hard, poop. She did end up passing it without help; as we were pulling in to the Urgent Care parking lot. About 30 minutes later and we were out of there with instructions to give her juice (which she hates), prunes (which she loves), and nothing but water, fruit juice, and fruit for 24 hours. Good thing she likes grapes and cherries, and prunes in applesauce.

Throughout this whole experience my husband and I were talking, at length, about poo. It's completely deranged how much a parent will get involved in their child's bowel movements...and talk about it. We ask each other "What did it look like? Was it hard or soft? Did it have food bits in it?" I am being completely serious. I thought being pregnant was bad for the talks about mucus, pregnancy gas, constipation, heartburn, and other bodily functions...but having a baby has made it infinitely worse. If the poor kid could only understand what we were talking about she would be red with embarrassment.

Or maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. LOL oh the things that become so common-talk between you and Kevin. :-P

    Poor Anya, make sure she eats lots of prunes! Luckily she likes them! I have eaten prunes my whole life and I think they are so yummmmmy. Maybe even feed her some plums! :)
