My Darling Daughter aka "Wild Child"
You are such a wonder to me, both what I expected and not anything I expected at the same time. You are so independent it frightens me. Once you feel you have mastered something you want to do it all by yourself; whether you have truly mastered it or not. You fell down a flight of stairs this past weekend and scared the crap out of your father and I. You run up to dogs which have thankfully greeted you with wagging tails and lolling tongues. You aren't phased by being hissed at by a cat or having a dog bark near you. You are just so smart. You figured out how to open up the 'booby trapped' cabinets. Friends of ours wedged a spoon into the handles to keep it closed and you looked at it for a couple of seconds, wiggled the spoon, then pulled it straight out, dumped it on the floor, and opened the cabinet. Cabinet Proofing a big Zero, my daughter 1. The other toddlers in the room (three of them) never figured it out, they pulled on the handles saw the cabinet wouldn't open and walked away. You are single-minded when you have a goal in mind. I hope that in the future you are able to keep that with you, but not make the mistake of being blind to all that is going on around you.
Your mother
well she is being raised by smart parents!