Friday, September 9, 2011

Toronto and home to....a broken sewer pipe???

Yes, it has been a couple weeks since I posted. I am, however, doing remarkably better on keeping up to date than I have been in the last 6 months. So bear with me! =) I'm taking advantage of my daughter playing alone in her room to write a little blog post; especially since I have had requests. Traveling with a two year old is not NEARLY as much fun as traveling with a 4 month old who just wants to be fed, played with a little, and who then goes back to sleep. Two year olds want to run everywhere, touch everything, and say hello to everyone! Luckily we didn't have to spend a ton of time in airports. She did FABULOUSLY on the airplane though. She fell asleep before take-off and woke up 10 minutes before we landed. She loved the bumps and kept going 'wee' and giggling. The flight home wasn't as coordinated but she still did very well-- that is until the couple in front of us (traveling with a 7 week old) started nursing and their child's foot came through the seat and my daughter just wanted to touch it and say hi to the baby... the couple wasn't thrilled about it and requested that 'our daughter not touch, bounce, or bother them so that their child could get a proper latch and nurse properly'...

Now, those of you who have read my blog on traveling know that I travelled A LOT with my daughter when she was still nursing. Mind you, I didn't get on a plane with her until she and I were pretty competent about nursing. This couple and their child hadn't gotten it down yet and were still very nervous about nursing in public. I understood their request for my daughter, but I wish that they had been more aware of the fact that their child's foot was sticking back into our seat and making it very difficult for her to NOT touch it. I also hope, for their sake, that they get used to nursing in public because if you can't relax enough to 'let down' the nursing isn't going to be very successful anyway.

When we returned home we had a few days of down time, friends came for dinner, and then on Tuesday we had the 2nd sewer back up into our house. This is the 2nd time in 3 weeks; so there were calls to the landlady, calls to the plumber, and one dug up street and SEVERELY broken sewer pipe later we can now do laundry, take showers, and flush the toilet without worrying about having sewage all over the floor. Downside is that we are still waiting to get our carpets professionally cleaned out of all the gunk so as not to create a mold-friendly environment. If our landlady doesn't figure it out soon I will be crashing in Denver with Anya until it is resolved.

As far as pregnancy goes I'm just about 11 weeks, and thrilled to be almost out of the first trimester. I'm still queasy on a fairly regular basis, but I haven't puked since the airport. Food is still sometimes not my friend, but at other times is perfectly acceptable.

weight - According to the Dr scale I've gained about 3-4 lbs (I usually lose/gain 1-3 lbs daily anyway, so this isn't too bad all in all.

cravings - None really. Chinese sounds good most of the time, and fresh fruit and vegetables sound good all of the time (except bell peppers).

stuff that makes me queazy - Pirate Booty, Red Bell peppers, bell peppers, too much acidic food.

clothes - Mostly still fitting into all of my shirts (except a couple) and starting to not fit into all of my pants. I'm now in the button with a rubberband stage.

energy - I am a little more tired, but not incredibly so. Today I am because I think I am coming down with a cold -- that or our carpet is molding already and I'm getting sick from that.

DUE DATE -- We are OFFICIALLY due April 1st (no, not kidding/fooling), but since it is very likely that this child will also be a C-section we will probably be welcoming our bundle in late March instead.

Boy/Girl -- as we are only almost 3 months we do not know. We will find out the sex, but we won't be telling the name. Haha!

Baby E - boy or girl

Have a lovely update. If you didn't want to know...don't read it! =)