Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Schoolward Bound

And the journey begins...I've been accepted into Grad School so I can become a teacher of little munchkins (2-4th grade PLEASE!)so now starts the fun of getting oriented, course schedules...lots and lots of ink and printer paper! And, of course, getting my daughter into a daycare program nearby. She and I are going on our first tour next Tuesday. It's very close to our home, so I hope that I like it and I like the cost. We'll see and keep posted!! I have another one that I'd also like to look at; but I'm almost positive that it is going to cost more since it goes through preschool and into a Kindergarten program. I like the look of it online though, so it's worth looking at and discussing whether it's an option now or in the future. Luckily, it appears that I will only need to put her in daycare 2-3 mornings a week. I'm looking forward to a break from my toddler.

I can safely say that "the terrible twos" does not start and end at 2. It starts earlier and lasts longer! I can attest to the longer because I remember my brother at 3...I called them the treacherous threes and the fearsome mother laughed. I can attest to the earlier because my daughter is completely in the throes of it!! I think we have at least 10 minor tantrums a day...and usually at least one major one that gets her time-out time. Ugh. So, parents BEWARE!!!