Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Oops we did it again!"

Okay, so it wasn't really an "oops", we planned it, but we ARE still having another baby. Hooray, baby number 2, Baby E, will be arriving sometime in late March or early April of 2012. And this begins what I hope will be a continuing blog of my pregnancy with Baby E, as well as motherhood with a toddler, a new job for my husband, a move across town, and finishing up my masters program. Yep, I'm a busy girl! Although, many have just said I'm flat out crazy.

So, let's play a little catch-up to my scattered life as I haven't posted in a while. Since I left off my husband had lost his job with one school district and after applying to many other jobs (some in his degree field and some not) he has landed another theatre teaching position in the same town, but farther East and farther North. HOORAY JOB!!! This, however, necessitated a move across town in the middle of the summer. We are now renting a 3 bedroom house with a backyard (HOORAH!!!) and a garage. We have been enjoying living in a bit more space and allowing our daughter (who is now 2, what a scary scary thought) out into the backyard. We're hoping that next year we might actually have grass in the yard, but she seems to be enjoying the mud all the same.

Our daughter, now two, is making us wish quite often that we had t-shirts that said "she's two. get off my back" so that when she starts throwing a tantrum in public we wouldn't have to endure the glares, condescending glances, and unwanted advice. Oh, you didn't think the unwanted advice ended when the baby was born did you?? Oh no! Definitely not! Potty training is moving right along, but it still isn't fast enough for me. Still, she runs over to the potty when she has to go....the problem is sometimes she 'goes' just so she can play in the bathroom. Binky removal is also in the works....we should have gotten rid of it at 9 months, now it is a HUGE comfort item and although she has been sleeping at night without it, we can't get her to calm down for naps without it. Very frustrating.

So, the move happened right about the time we were planning our next little bundle of joy and, just like last time, we got lucky on the first try. This time, however, I am actually having pregnancy symptoms; unlike last time when I felt great, but tired, the whole way through the pregnancy. Nope. This time food is NOT my friend and I have been having a much more 'gaggy' feeling first trimester. My "favorite" moment (so far) was when my daughter came up with her hands covered in Pirate Booty, a yummy cheeto alternative, grabbed my glass of juice and took a sip. When I later took a sip all I could smell was booty and well....the rest follows. So, food isn't my friend this time around. Maybe that means I won't gain so much weight??? We'll see.

So far I am 7-8 weeks in and I haven't gained any weight. I can still wear all of my pre-pregnancy clothes, although some of the 'tighter' ones make my stomach feel a little queasy. My WONDERFUL friend sent me all of her maternity clothes (plus all of mine that I had sent her) and so I do not feel as if I need to do much, if any, maternity wear shopping. Yeah! My daughter has kind of gotten the idea that mommy is having a baby, but she hasn't quite gotten the idea that she needs to stop jumping on me. Anyone have an older brother she can borrow for a while to jump on and tackle??

I think I might post my 10 moving tips for moving (in general) and moving with children. I think we have now moved 6 times in 5 years. Yeah. And I no longer wonder why people think I'm military.


  1. Yay for Baby E! I'm still getting baby boy vibes, but we will see!!!!!

  2. We will definitely see. Kevin and I kind of doubt we can keep the sex secret, but we are planning on keeping the name a secret and a surprise.
