Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Long time no write....whoops!

Lots and lots of things have been going on since I wrote on here last. Mostly, we've just been out of town. A lot. The good things about being out of town are that we get to see family and close friends; who are family as well. The bad part about being out of town is driving for hours and hours and hours....and sometimes not finding a hotel at the end of that. Yep. We drove from San Diego to Phoenix via L.A. (don't do that by the way...just take 8 instead!!!) When we got to Phoenix (very very late) we discovered that there were NO hotel rooms available. I'm sure if we had spent ANOTHER hour looking we might have found one, but we did check 6-8 hotels and called a few more. Seriously, there was nothing. So, after an hour of checking hotels and driving around in the dark we decided to drive the rest of the way to Flagstaff; where there was a vacancy. 2 hours later we pulled in...3 am. Oh how I loathe 3 am.

Unfortunately, my daughter seems to think that 3 am is a SUPURB time to be screaming. I'm not sure if it's from lots of over stimulus and traveling, or if it's from teething. Whichever, she's not sleeping well. Which, of course, means I am not sleeping well either. UGH! I really thought it would get better once her front teeth on top had finally come in. No such luck apparently. I've had two suggestions to move her crib into another room; which I'd love to do if we had the room for it. We don't. And one suggestion on a white noise machine. I might actually have to try that one.

On a family note my mother is just about ready to start her chemotherapy. So, by the end of July she should be all done. The countdown for that begins next Tuesday. Her radiation went alright although she was in a lot of pain by the end of it. We are all trying to keep our positive energy up to be strong for her when it gets hard. Some days that's easier than others. My grandmother is also not doing well. She's 95 this year, so it's to be expected that she's slowing down, but she doesn't want to accept the help that would make it easier for her to stay in her own home longer. I tried to set up someone to come and go grocery shopping for her and be there to take her to and from appointments, but she adamantly didn't want the services. It's sad because today she didn't have the energy to make her bed after changing the sheets. She does one thing a day whether it be an appointment, getting groceries, changing the sheets, stepping out into her garden...etc. She just doesn't have the energy to continue to do everything she used to and I know it wears on her. She hasn't gone out to really work in her garden (extensive and beautiful) since before Christmas. I know that was something she always wanted to be able to do and she has said before that when she couldn't anymore she wouldn't be happy. More than once she says she sits in her chair waiting to die. She says it with a laugh and a smile, but sometimes I much does she want that?


  1. That really does suck about the highway when you were leaving San Diego. Next time we will all plan your exit route better, including checking traffic reports, and maybe get the hotel set up before hand so you don't have to go through that again. <3

  2. Hi there! You don't actually have to buy a white noise machine. You could try white noise mp3s. My husband and I just launched We created our line of white noise mp3s to help our own baby get to sleep, stay asleep longer, and soothe his crying. Oh my when he was an infant, he just screamed every evening until we started using our white noise. We tried other stuff out there but nothing worked for us. And now that he's almost 12 months, I'm using our white noise again to help him have a nice long nap even while I'm making noise doing chores around the house. I hope you'll check it out, and let us know how it goes! Good luck.

  3. Thank you Rachel, I will definitely check it out!
