Thursday, April 1, 2010

My other self

Have you ever been awake while your partner is fast asleep and really, REALLY, wanted to just kick them to wake them up? I don't always, but when I have to be awake with a sick baby there is this horrible, mean, vicious, vengeful side of me that would really like to kick my husband awake so that he has to share in the pain of being awake forever while the baby is screaming and coughing...etc. I have a sick baby this last week, and I admit there has been a couple times over the week where I've been sitting up in bed with my daughter while my husband snores away and I have been so sorely tempted to just kick him so that he has to be awake with me. It's not a part of myself that I am overly proud of, but it's still there all the same. My hubby has been really pretty good about the whole cranky side this week. He had to work late and ended up bringing me dinner. It was perfect. Now, if only I could teach him to cook!

1 comment:

  1. I may not have a baby, but the temptation is there when I'm suffering and I want others to suffer with me, lol! Sorry Anya is sick, I hope she gets better sooooon!
