Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Losing My Mind

So many reasons why I think I might just be losing it. First off, I got offered a job this morning. My old job back at the insurance company. I turned it down. It wasn't the best job for me anyway and I wouldn't be getting paid well for it. I just couldn't stand the thought of leaving my daughter at daycare. She's just now getting to be really interesting and she does new things each day. Yesterday she actually said "Momma" in reference to me, which was really exciting. If I had to work full time how much would I miss? She's still figuring out crawling, she's starting to pull herself up, and she is just so inquisitive and exploratory. I don't want to miss this! My economic self is going, "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Many people WANT a job!" My heart and emotional self just curl up into a huge ball of crying anxiety at the thought of leaving her all day at daycare. I had considered part-time at one point, but that's not what they offered me. Home I stay and happy for it! Now...if only I could find my marriage certificate so I don't have to mail in a written request for one...


  1. I wish you lived closer I would totally pay you to watch my baby and then I could feel good (well, i guess okay) about having to work full time!

  2. Hey, kiddo... you will never regret staying home with your baby. That's why you have enjoy and love her!

  3. Toodles,

    Thank you! I hear a lot of mixed reviews about staying home, so it's nice to have support. I the total support of my husband and the rest of my family so, my decision is a good one. I love every minute I spend with her. I wish more people could have someone stay at home; the quality time is amazing and I know I'll never regret it. Thank you!

  4. Awwww Anya said mamma!
